What is Zarmanazan?
Zarmanazan is a creative, interactive language immersion program in Western Armenian. It creates an environment in which language acquisition takes place naturally, through participative activities. Armenian language proficiency is not a prerequisite.
Every participant is encouraged to take initiative, to develop at her or his own pace, and to create collaboratively.
All facilitators specialize in creating a safe and engaging language acquisition environment while contributing their expertise across artistic, cultural, educational and even sporting domains.
Following online pre-meetings for initial introductions and small group activities, all Zarmanazan participants convene in a natural setting for several weeks of communal sharing during the summer.
Pictures from Zarmanazan 2023
The “Zarmanazan” educational program was launched by the Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2017 as part of its Western Armenian revitalization initiatives. It is organized in partnership with L’association Mille et un Mondes (Lyon, France) and the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO, Paris, France). In June 2024, the Zarmanazan summer program will also take place in California in partnership with the Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools.
Zarmanazan France is registered with the French Ministry of Education and Youth.
Zarmanazan California is approved by the Kern County Environmental Health Division.
Media Coverage
- 2022. Նոր Յառաջ. «Զարմանազան»-ը Ալպեան լեռներուն մէջ
- 2021. NH Hebdo. Zarmanazan, un monde lointain et proche (ֆրանսերէն)
- 2021. NH Hebdo. Rencontres dans les dédales de « Zartsants » (ֆրանսերէն)
- 2021. Նոր Յառաջ. Հանդիպումներ Զարցանցի բաւիղներուն մէջ (հայերէն)
- 2021. Ազդակ. Զարմանազան 2021 (հայերէն)
- 2021. Արեւելք. Զարմանազանէն՝ Զարցանց (հայերէն)
- 2018. Ազատ Օր. «Զարմանազան» (հայերէն)